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This workshop is a comprehensive 2-hour programme that focuses on the key topics of raw food, sprouting, microgreens, and wheatgrass cultivation. 


The programme begins with a brief introduction into the ways in which raw food contributes to an improvement in your body's overall health. A brief analysis is then done into the benefits of eating alkaline foods as opposed to acidic foods. 


In the second section the workshop, the art of sprouting and growing microgreens is explored. A detailed explanation is given as to why sprouting is a wise choice for your health and the environment around you as well. A few of the reasons explained are the economics of sprouting, the reduced environmental impact of home sprouting, and the nutritional value of sprouts. The focus then shifts to the second stage of seed development: microgreens, and the benefits associated with eating microgreens on a regular basis. After this, a comprehensive and illustrated guide to growing microgreens will be shown to provide the participants with all the knowledge required to begin their own microgreens cultivation and harvest. In order to better equip the participants for their own microgreens, a few troubleshooting questions will be addressed and answered along with a suggestion of possible microgreens varieties they could grow in their own kitchen.


Lastly, the third and final section zooms in on the illustrated process of growing and harvesting wheatgrass. Additionally, there is an explanation of the benefits of consuming wheatgrass juice. In order to allow participants to experience the full benefit of wheatgrass juice, there is a detailed explanation of the different types of juicers that will be beneficial for their own juicing of wheatgrass. 



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