1998 - The year i suffered from slipped disc
2000 - A few months after giving birth to our first son.

2002 - When our 2nd son was born

2003 - Moved to Singapore
2004 - suffered from tail bone fracture


2006 - The year i dropped down to 68kgs by just exercising.



2010 - During our year long stay in Bangkok

2011 - The year we moved to Auckland

2012 - Getting stronger
The year i enrolled for Taekwondo lessons with my boys.

2013 - Just before giving up hair colour and opting for a wholefoods plant-based diet

Please click on the pictures to see a larger image
Celebrating the first anniversary of giving up hair colour and enjoying a lighter frame.

2015 - Celebrating 40 years of existence
Please click on the pictures to see a larger image

2016 - Mum and sons graduate as certified Yoga Teachers


Then and now
Enjoying good health with yoga and proper nutrition

Lifting my sons who weigh 70+ kgs

Working on challenging asanas